Sheepguard ® Long Acting Injection Drench for Sheep
- Sheepguard Long Acting Injection Drench is for the treatment and control of roundworms, nasal bot and itchmite in sheep.
- For protection against severe challenge by Haemonchus contortus (barber's pole worm) for up to 4 months.
- Sheepguard Long Acting Injection Drench for Sheep is effective against BZ and LEV resistant roundworms and avermectin resistant roundworms.
- Contains moxidectin (20 g/L), a potent ML (Macrocyclic lactone or ‘mectin’).
Key Benefits
- Broad spectrum worm control.
- Control of many internal and external parasites.
- Highly potent injectable formulation.
- Ideal for highly contaminated pastures.
- Ideal for low immunity animals such as pregnant or lactating ewes and weaners.
- Can be administered along with drench from another chemical group and vaccines.
- Protects against severe challenge by barber’s pole worm for up to 4 months.
- Long acting protection against the three major production-limiting worms up to 91 days.
Recommendations for Use
- Sheepguard Long Acting Injection for Sheep has been shown to protect sheep against severe challenge by H. contortus for up to 4 months.
- 91 day persistent activity against Barber’s Pole worm (Haemonchus contortus) for moxidectin sensitive strains.
- 91 day persistent activity against Small Brown Stomach worm (Teladorsagia circumcincta) for moxidectin sensitive strains.
- 49 day persistent activity against Small Brown Stomach worm (Trichostrongylus colubriformis) for moxidectin sensitive strains.
- Sheepguard Long Acting Injection for Sheep is effective against benzimidazole and levamisole resistant strains of H. contortus, T. colubriformis and T.(O.) circumcincta.
- Sheepguard has shown efficacy against a number of avermectin resistant strains of H. contortus and Teladorsagia (Ostertagia) spp.However, as Sheepguard shares a similar mechanism of action to avermectins, it SHOULD NOT be used where avermectin resistance is present, except where specifically recommended by an advisor.
The Zoetis Advantage
- Broad spectrum worm control
- Accurate dosing through injectable drenching
- Long acting treatment and control of roundworms
- 91 day persistent activity against Barber’s Pole worm (Haemonchus contortus) for moxidectin sensitive strains.
- 91 day persistent activity against Small Brown Stomach worm (Teladorsagia circumcincta) for moxidectin sensitive strains.
- 49 day persistent activity against Small Brown Stomach worm (Trichostrongylus colubriformis) for moxidectin sensitive strains.
1. Priming drench (given at the same time as the long-acting product):
- Use an effective short-acting drench, preferably a combination, which includes an
- active from a different class (group) to the long-acting product.
- It clears the sheep of any worms including those that are resistant to the long-acting drench.
- Startect® with its new class of active in combination is an effective priming drench.
- Startect is the only drench to contain a Spiroindole class (SI) of active in Derquantel, making it a good priming partner with LA drenches.
2. Pooled worm egg count tests at the 30, 60 & 90 day mark following the LA treatment:
• Testing at these times will give an accurate measure of the efficacy of the program in use.
• Any eggs indicate the end of the long-acting pay-out period and the need to schedule
the tail-cutter drench.
• Gives greater certainty as to when the treatment is becoming ineffective.
3. Tail-cutter or exit drench is used two weeks after the end of the actual protection period:
• Use an effective short-acting treatment, preferably a combination, which is
from a different class to the long-acting product.
• Ideally done 2 weeks after the long-acting protection period expires.
• Kills larvae that have survived the persistent treatment and stops them from developing
into breeding adult worms.
Responsible use will result in
- Greater productivity, increased sustainability and overall better value-for-money
- A longer and more sustainable use of the more fragile single active ML (mectin) drenches
- Opportunities to add value by informing and promoting best practice
- Being able to continue using LA treatments into the future
Dose rate
1 mg moxidectin/kg liveweight (1 mL/20 kg liveweight).
- Sheepguard Long Acting Injection for Sheep must be administered by subcutaneous
- (under the skin) injection at the base of the ear or high on the neck behind the ear.
- Sheepguard LA should be administered with the special Sheepguard LA injector and a 6mm (¼ inch) 18 gauge needle on a 45mm degree angle.
- Sheep should be weighed prior to dosing and treated according to the weight range bracket in the dosing table.
- Do not underdose
Dosage table
Applicator Recommendations
Trade Advice
ESI (Export Slaughter Interval)
Do not slaughter for export less than 133 days after treatment.
Before using this product, confirm the current ESI from Zoetis on 1800 814 883
or the APVMA website (
Sheepguard Long Acting Injection for Sheep is not recommended for use in goats as safety
and efficacy have not been evaluated.
Safe Use Recommendations
Poisonous if swallowed. May irritate the nose and throat. Will irritate eyes and skin.
Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Do not inhale. Wash hands after use.
Accidental self-injection may cause a persistent inflammatory or allergic response.
Medical advice should be sought as soon as possible on the management of all instances of
self injection, especially deep injections, those near a joint or those associated with bruising.
The application of gentle pressure with absorbent material, e.g. facial tissues, to the needle puncture area will swab up unabsorbed product. Strong squeezing of the site should be avoided. The damaged area should be thoroughly cleaned and a suitable antiseptic applied.
- Clean and maintain the injector as outlined by the manufacturer daily.
- Ensure the needle is sharp and not burred, replace often
Pack Size
Additional Information
Storage Recommendations
- Store at or below 30OC (Room temperature)
- Protect from light
- Use the contents within 24 hours of first broaching the vial
- Discard the unused portion
- DO NOT leave drench in the draw off tube or injector after a work day
Withholding periods
Meat: DO NOT USE less than 91 days before slaughter for human consumption.
Milk: DO NOT USE in female sheep, which are producing or may in the future
produce milk or milk products for human consumption.
Meat: DO NOT USE less than 91 days before slaughter for human consumption.
Milk: DO NOT USE in female sheep, which are producing or may in the future
produce milk or milk products for human consumption.
Trade Advice
ESI (Export Slaughter Interval)
Do not slaughter for export less than 133 days after treatment.
Before using this product, confirm the current ESI from Zoetis on 1800 814 883
or the APVMA website (
Sheepguard Long Acting Injection for Sheep is not recommended for use in goats as safety
and efficacy have not been evaluated.
Safe Use Recommendations
Poisonous if swallowed. May irritate the nose and throat. Will irritate eyes and skin.
Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Do not inhale. Wash hands after use.
Accidental self-injection may cause a persistent inflammatory or allergic response.
Medical advice should be sought as soon as possible on the management of all instances of
self injection, especially deep injections, those near a joint or those associated with bruising.
The application of gentle pressure with absorbent material, e.g. facial tissues, to the needle puncture area will swab up unabsorbed product. Strong squeezing of the site should be avoided. The damaged area should be thoroughly cleaned and a suitable antiseptic applied.