Silirum® Vaccine

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Zoetis Home / Products / Silirum® Vaccine
Silirum® is Australia's only vaccine as an aid in the control of Bovine Johne’s Disease (BJD). It contains inactivated (killed) Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis strain 316F combined with an oil based adjuvant in a multiple emulsation for the active immunisation of cattle against Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis.
Active immunisation of cattle against Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis, as an aid in the control of Bovine Johne’s Disease (BJD or Paratuberculosis)
This product can only be supplied on the authority of the State Chief Veterinary Officer or Chief Inspector of Stock or Director General of NSW Agriculture to approved people or their approved veterinarian, except in Victoria where the Chief Veterinary Officer grants a general approval for the use of Silirum vaccine.
This vaccine is not registered for use in Western Australia.
While vaccine should be used in herds where a diagnosis of BJD has been confirmed, consideration should also be given to vaccination of herds at risk of infection or for animals introduced into an infected herd. Consult your local veterinarian for the most effective control program in these circumstances.
Store at 2°C to 8°C (Refrigerate. Do not freeze). Protect from light.
Withholding Period:
Caution: Avoid Carcass damage
Sterilise all injection apparatus by boiling in water for 10 minutes (or equivalent) before use. Avoid use of strong disinfectants on apparatus.
Maintain cleanliness at all times during vaccination. Great care must be taken to avoid contamination of the vaccine, needle and internal parts of the syringe by contact with unsterile surfaces or unwashed hands.
Keep needles sharp and clean. Replace frequently.
Use the shortest possible needle, certainly not exceeding 15mm.
Avoid injection of animals during wet weather or under dusty conditions.
This product must be injected ONLY under the skin.
Plastic pack: 20 mL and 50 mL
DO NOT vaccinate cattle intended for live export to countries requiring tuberculosis testing.
Cattle administered with this killed vaccine are likely to test positive for tuberculosis (caudal fold test) due to cross reactivity between the vaccine and the test.
DO NOT vaccinate cattle intended for live export to countries requiring JD negative antibody testing and/or certified JD-freedom property status.
Cattle administered with this killed vaccine may test positive when screened for Johne’s Disease (JD-ELISA – blood antibody test) due to immunity developed to the vaccine.
All animals vaccinated with Silirum vaccine must be positively identified as Silirum vaccinated animals by a unique identifier. The preferred option for identification is the use of separate permanent ear tag (eg. NLIS style button) indicating JD vaccination status. In Victoria it is a legal requirement that cattle vaccinated with Silirum are permanently identified with a three hole ear punch.
Studies on the effects of vaccination on reproduction in male cattle have not been conducted.
Use of the vaccine must be considered in the context of other industry or government sponsored BJD management programs (eg. CattleMAP). If you are currently managing cattle under one of these programs please consult your veterinarian, District Veterinary Officer or relevant industry representative prior to initiating a vaccination program in your herd.
Use of the vaccine may have potential effects on the cattle enterprise such as trading ability, CattleMAP status, false positive results to bTB and BJD testing etc.
Vaccinated cattle must be excluded from export markets that are sensitive to bovine Johne’s disease or bovine tuberculosis unless there is an agreement on the eligibility for export of vaccinated animals with the importing country, Seek professional advice if you require further guidance.
No information is available on the safety and efficacy of the concurrent use of this vaccine with any other products.
Side Effects
Vaccinated animals may experience an increase in body temperature for the first three days following vaccination. It is often normal for an injection site reaction to appear 7-15 days post vaccination, which in a small proportion of animals may become greater than 5cm in diameter. At 3 months post vaccination most swellings have decreased in size, and continue to decrease over time, although a vaccination site nodule may persist for a prolonged period. When this vaccine is administered to animals already infected with, or sensitised to, M. paratuberculosis, a more intense local reaction (secondary immune response) may be observed.
User Safety Information
Ensure that the vaccine does not enter your body through contact with the needle (self-injection, needle scratch etc) or entry through an open wound. Be especially careful that it does not enter your body through contact with eyes, mouth and skin, because the vaccine is an irritant. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after use, especially if the vaccine comes into contact with your skin. If the vaccine gets into the eyes, or mouth, immediately rinse the exposed area thoroughly with tap water and seek medical advice.
Take care to avoid accidental self-injection as this product contains mineral oil and is an irritant. It can cause pain and prolonged swelling (6-24 months) at the injection site and in the draining lymph nodes. Medical or surgical intervention may be required. In rare case it may result in the loss of a finger if injected into a finger joint or tendon sheath. In all instances of accidental self-injection, contact a doctor as soon as possible, even if only a very small amount is injected, and take the package insert and carton with you.
First Aid
If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131126
Further information on the treatment of accidental self-injection is available from the Poisons Information Centre 13 11 26 or Zoetis Veterinary Services 1800 814 883.