Glanvac® 3S

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    • Glanvac® 3S provides sheep with protection against Cheesy Gland (CLA), tetanus and pulpy kidney with the added ability to correct selenium deficiency in lambs.
    • Sheep producers around the world are benefiting from the features of Glanvac® 3S. The prevention of cheesy gland in sheep flocks improves wool production and increases the quality of sheep meat.
    • Selenium is an essential trace element that is vital for wool production, growth and fertility. Selenium deficiencies in sheep result in reduced wool production and growth rates, ill thrift, infertility in ewes and death of young lambs due to White Muscle Disease.
    • Glanvac® 3S utilises Zoetis' ultra-filtration technology, which selectively removes unwanted particles during the production process. This allows the vaccine to produce a more targeted immune response in sheep, while providing producers with the convenience of a 1mL dose rate.
    • Control of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA); prevention of enterotoxaemia (pulpy kidney disease) and tetanus in sheep, and lambs.
    • Treats and prevents White Muscle Disease in lambs in areas of known or suspected selenium deficiency. (Use only in areas of known selenium deficiency)
    • Maintain a high level of disease protection in the breeding flock for the months after vaccination.
    • Improve lamb marking percentages by preventing clostridial deaths such as pulpy kidney.
    • Improve meat quality through cheesy gland protection, ensuring export and domestic customers receive a quality product.
    • Improve wool quality and quantity by protecting against cheesy gland.
    • Maintain a high level of selenium in the lactating ewe and lamb in a period of high requirement which aids in wool production, growth and fertility in ewes and prevents White Muscle Disease in lambs.
    • Injection (plastic pack): 250mL, 500mL
    • Inject 1mL subcutaneously on the side of the neck just behind and below the base of the ear.
    • In previously unvaccinated animals of all ages, give a 1mL dose and repeat 4 weeks later.
    • Give a booster dose of 1mL 12 months after the two initial doses to confer lifelong immunity against tetanus.
    • Give all animals annual booster doses to control caseous lymphadenitis (CLA).
    • Where possible give the annual booster prior to the time of maximum risk, e.g. transfer to lush pasture or grain feeding in the case of enterotoxaemia.
    • Pregnant ewes: Give previously unvaccinated animals 1mL at the time of mating; repeat at up to 4 weeks before the expected date of birth. Omit the dose at mating in previously vaccinated animals.
    • Vaccinated pregnant ewes will pass immunity onto their lambs in the colostrum; lambs should be protected for the first 6 to 8 weeks of life.
    • This product can be stored and used for up to 30 days after first opening. On each subsequent reuse, swab the opening with a suitable disinfectant (for example, methylated spirits) both before and after using. A sterile needle must be used each time product is removed.Store unused material upright, at 2°C to 8°C (refrigerated) and in the original cardboard packaging to protect from light.
    • Localised swelling may develop at the site of the injection and a firm nodular lump may persist for some weeks or even months.
    • Levels of selenium may not be high enough for adult dosage.
    • Storage:
      Store at 2°C to 8°C (refrigerate. Do not freeze). Protect from light.

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